TEDx talk: How we can dance our way to a better mental health / Anna Duberg


Anna Dubergs TEDx-föreläsning fått många visningar och fina kommentarer. Se det HÄR ! Dela gärna vidare så fler kan ta del av Dans för Hälsas nyckelfaktorer och resan från forskning till verklighet.

"Anna Duberg (PhD), is a physiotherapist and health sciences researcher from Örebro University in Sweden. She is recognized for her dedication to improving youth health and her research on the stress-reducing benefits of dance. Besides her work as a research supervisor and innovation coach at Region Örebro County, Anna has founded and developed the method "Dance for health."

In her talk, Anna shares her journey from research to reality, and highlights the importance of turning the trend of mental illness in youth. By sharing the key factors in Dance for Health-method ("joy of movement", "come as you are", "social inclusion" and "see what you have"), Anna gives inspiration on how dance can be a powerful tool to strengthen health, open up a new way of approaching life, and in the long run, make societal impact." / @tedxKI

Read more about the event on TEDxKI here: https://www.tedxki.com/events/ Theme: "The Butterfly Effect - How a small change can impact the whole world"

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