Skills development for student health (zoom) April 7, 2025
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Skills development for student health (zoom) April 7, 2025

digital skills development FOR EDUCATION & other recruiters

free of charge - OPEN REGISTRATION

Please use the form below to register. Zoom link will be sent out to the specified email address before the event.

Are you a school nurse, counselor or have another key role in recruitment to Dance for Health? Welcome to take part in free digital skills development aimed at you on 7/4 2025. A chance to replenish knowledge and tips and gain access to the tools that have proven to be crucial for successful implementation of Dance for Health.

It is you, the recruiter, who enables Dance for Health's efforts to reach the young people who need it. Your role is important! Both in terms of determining who is eligible (according to the inclusion criteria) and the motivation work over time. Add more understanding of Dance for Health! How do the key factors of the method work and what is good to keep in mind as a recruiter?


Background, research

The basics of the Dance for Health method

 The important role of the student health/recruiter

 Collaboration and working group

 Practical procedures linked to the student health annual wheel

 Our top motivational tips


Frida Ekholm and Mia Nevala, Team Dance for Health.

Frida Ekholm and Mia Nevala both have many years of experience with Dance for Health's method and will during the training highlight important aspects regarding meeting the target group in the dance, student health work, coordination of the effort and the recruitment process, implementation of the method for long-term and the importance of collaboration and routines for equivalence. Participants will learn what is most effective in catching those who need it most and then getting them to continue participating in the dance.

We welcome your registration! Mark your calendar and fill in the form below.

We recommend that you contact the Dance for Health instructors in your city/organization and conduct a practical taster session in conjunction with this event.

(NOTE: this is not an instructor course! If you are interested in an instructor course in the Dance for Health method, read on HERE, and apply for a place HERE.

please use the form below to register.

When this application is submitted to Dans för Hälsa, I agree that the information provided is saved in the participant list. Only administrators in Dans för Hälsa have access to the information in its entirety and they will not be disclosed to another party.

The name & email address entered in this form will be used exclusively for the purpose of administration in Dans för Hälsa and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

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Instruktörskurs, Örebro - 15 platser kvar
till 17 juni

Instruktörskurs, Örebro - 15 platser kvar

Dans för Hälsas instruktörskurs i Örebro i juni:

15 platser kvar

Välkommen att använda formuläret nedan för att ansöka till kursen.

Äntligen kurs i Örebro igen! I kursavgiften som är 12 400 kr exkl. moms ingår utbildningsmaterial, inkludering i Dans för Hälsas generösa nätverk (idag över 900 utbildade instruktörer), tillgång till att använda Dans för Hälsas logga*, en plats på Dans för Hälsas karta, samt ett års konto i instruktörsportal som erbjuder koreografibank, material och kompetensutveckling, inkl. boost-dag. Fika och lunch ingår båda kursdagarna. Kursledare är Anna Duberg och Frida Ekholm.

*= Assuming that the model is followed.


Mån 16 juni
08.15 Välkommen! Salen är öppen (Scandic Grand).
08.30 Start! Introduktion + Presentationsrunda
09.10 FIKA
09.30 Teoriblock 1.
• Skyddsfaktorer för hälsa. Vetenskapligt kunskapsläge; psykisk ohälsa
• Dansprojektet; metod, genomförande, resultat, centrala aspekter
• Dans för Hälsa; nyckelfaktorer
• Teori del 1
• Verkningsmekanismer, del 1
12.00 LUNCH
13.30 Praktisk workshop 1 (Actic Slottsgatan)
• Dansinterventionens nyckelfaktorer & lektionsupplägg
• Uppvärmning
• Övningar
• Danskoreografi #1
• Beröringsteknik och Avslappning
16.00-16.10 Summering, reflektioner, avslut dag 1

Tis 17 juni

08.15 Theory block 2 (Scandic Grand)
- Dance for Health, info about instructor forum.
- Theory part 2 & Mechanisms of action part 2.
09.40 Break
10.00 Forts. Theory part 2 + Implementation
11.00 Tips and advice when implementing Dance for Health.
12.00 LUNCH
13.15 Practical workshop 2 (Actic Slottsgatan)
- Tips on setting up the intervention as a whole
- Relaxation techniques, Warm-up, Exercises
- Dance choreography #2, Relaxation
15.30-15.50 Summing up, reflections, course end

Note that these two course days are the foundation, then a follow-up boost day follows within one year (also included in the course price) with theory part, discussion and practical inspiration. Before this day, reflect on your work based on the key factors and implementation aspects. You choose the date of the boost yourself (offered continuously).

Answers to frequently asked questions about the course can be found HERE.

use the form below to apply for a course place

When this application is submitted to Dans för Hälsa, I agree that the information provided is saved in Dans för Hälsa's participant list. Only administrators in Dans för Hälsa have access to the information in its entirety and they will not be disclosed to another party.

The name & email address entered in this form will be used exclusively for the purpose of administration in Dans för Hälsa and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

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