DANCE as an intervention to strengthen mental well-being
Dance for Health is a research-based and health-economically effective method that complements the work of student health to strengthen mental well-being in young people. The dance is without requirements and is offered after school hours with a focus on the joy of movement and social community. Recruitment of the young people in question takes place via the student health service or by the medical officer in the organisation offering the method. Implementation usually takes place through collaboration between the municipality and the region, and the dance is free of charge for the young person. As there is a demand for innovative and resource-efficient measures to address the widespread societal problem of mental health problems among young people, the method is a valuable complement to traditional treatment within student health care (or other relevant health care institutions). Today, Dance for Health is used throughout Sweden and also in other Nordic countries. The method is based on both research and 10 years of proven experience. It started as a research project; the method was developed during a randomized study from Örebro University and Region Örebro County ("The Dance Project"). The study shows that regular dance provided health benefits for teenage girls with stress-related physical and emotional...
instructor course
Do you recognize the problem of mental illness in your target group? Are you planning to work with the issue and are interested in using the Dance for Health method? Welcome to apply for a place on one of our instructor courses!

Listen to former participants in Dance for Health, hear their voices. Learn about the experiences of the counselor and coordinator. There is something we want to tell you about Dance for Health. ( The film is free for public viewing and distribution) Click on the image to see the film:
DANCE FOR HEALTH - from research to reality
In this video you can listen to the research team. You will also learn about the experiences of those who implemented the intervention, student health and former participants. (The film is free for public viewing and distribution) Click on the image to watch the film:
What does 'DANCE FOR HEALTH' mean to you?
"The best thing is to come to the dance and just be yourself."
"I have become much more confident thanks to dance. It makes me strong on the inside."
"The whole society is grades or points.
It's so nice to come to the dance and let go of everything!"
"It feels like you sweat out that old shit you came with from school or whatever - and then a whole new person opens up inside you. I don't know what it is, but that's how I feel anyway."
"When I dance, it's like, here's ME.
Here I stand with my feet and can do what I want!"
"You become exuberant. You become full of life!"
Swedish healthcare innovator of the year
Dans för Hälsa was named by Dagens medicin 2019 as "Innovator of the Year in Swedish healthcare" (Guldskalpellen). The jury's motivation: "For having impressively mobilized and motivated people to better health, without expensive investments and with young people's own power. Kravlös dans has succeeded with the prevention that is always in demand, but is difficult to achieve. This year's Golden Scalpel winner has, with the support of evidence, methodically renewed the way healthcare works by taking advantage of what is healthy."
Innan du går kursen bör du ha börjat etablera en kontakt med elevhälsa/vårdinstans för rekrytering och medicinskt ansvar. Dans för Hälsas instruktörskurs är initialt två dagar och ger den kunskapsbas och de verktyg du behöver för att kunna starta egna grupper i er kontext. Teori med bakgrund, forskning och nyckelfaktorer på förmiddagarna och praktiska moment på eftermiddagarna. Två intensiva och givande dagar! Efter kursen får du tillgång till Dans för Hälsas generösa instruktörsportal och nätverk (idag över 950 utbildade instruktörer), och sedan följer deltagande på en boost-dag under året där du får reflektera och fördjupa dina kunskaper. Du får efter kursen använda Dans för Hälsas logga, får en plats på Dans för Hälsas karta, samt tillgång till effektutvärderingsmaterial. Innan du anmäler dig är det också bra att börja fundera på vilka som kan ingå i en arbetsgrupp för planering och finansiering av insatsen. Läs mer på kursinformation. För att ansöka om en kursplats, välj datum i kalendern.
Research shows that mental health problems among young people have increased in recent decades. It often manifests itself in physical and emotional symptoms such as headaches, stomachaches, stress, worry, anxiety and depression. Children and young adults who are diagnosed with depression or anxiety disorders are at risk of a long course of illness, continued need for psychiatric care and drug treatment....